"O'Charley's is a wonderful restaurant. Good food, good service, and an awesome atmosphere. \nHOWEVER.\nI have recently become completely dissatisfied with the management. Particularly the employment branch.\nI recently (about a week ago) saw that they were hiring, so as a highly experienced server I filled out an application and called the next day to follow up. I was told the Hiring manager, Olga, was on vacation and I should call back in a couple days. So I did just that.\nI called at around 3pm, I figured their lunch rush should be on its way to slowing down. She told me to call back at 7:30pm. So I patiently waited and called back promptly at 7:30pm. I spoke to Olga for about 30 seconds, and she told me to hold for just a couple minute while she looked over my application. \nSo I waited.\nand waited.\nand... waited..?\n\nUntil finally it was 8:30pm and I became frustrated with the fact that I was forgotten about. I called back after they had closed and she told me they had been very busy, and that she had, in-fact, completely forgotten I was on the line. I said it was fine and she told me to give her a call the next day (today) at 3pm. \nI then proceeded to call today at 3pm. She was in a meeting,\nMy patience is beginning to wear off at this point. \nI called back at 4:30pm and she told me to just come in for an interview at 7:30pm. I became excited that I was finally being seen.\nI walked 2.3 miles (according to my navigation on my Android) from my hotel, in 53 degree weather, wearing dress shoes, khaki's, a dress shirt, and a jacket. \nI showed up at 7:20pm and was seen by her immediately. She asked me very politely to sit at the bar while she finds my application (unprepared?). I accepted her invitation and sat at the bar patiently. \nShe comes out about 3 minutes later and sits me down at a table, and starts going over my previous work (Steak and Shake, Best Buy, Jimmy John's, Clarke's Bar and Grill etc;) and asking me typical questions. \n\n(this part is the reason I'm writing)\n\nShe then looked me in the eyes and told me there weren't any positions open, and that they had hired FIVE new servers while she was on vacation, and she hadn't been informed of it until just then. She then proceeded to tell me I should apply at the Steak and Shake across the street, Like I'm a moron, and I Hadn't already.\n\nI am not only a highly-qualified server looking for work, but a customer. I found this whole thing entirely unprofessional in a variety of different ways.\nSay good-bye to my business, Olga!"^^ . "1"^^ . "2012-03-27T00:00:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . .