"2"^^ . "4"^^ . "3"^^ . "Any exercise at this point is good, no matter where you go or who you are. For me, I've done Yoga in the past, but I usually do Bikram, which consists of the same 26 poses in a heated studio.\n\nSince I wanted to relive some stress and get Yoga on, Megan and I came here to have some fun together. I've never been to this studio before, and we had a really good time.\n\nThe studio has 3 different studios inside. One appears to be a practice studio, the other one had people doing random stuff in it, and the third was where we held our class. The studio we were in had wood floors, which was a first for me. I've never seen that before!\n\nThe lady who checked us in was really helpful and told us what to expect. I rented a mat for an extra $1, and the drop in fee was $16. I've seen other studios charge $18, so that wasn't alarming.\n\nThe lobby area was specious with some limited seating. We waited for our class to start and in we went. Here's where things get confusing. Okay, I thought it was going to be like my previous Bikram with the same 26 poses. The poses here were totally different with only a few similar poses that I was used to. \n\nThe instructor was cool and did a good job keeping us focused, but I got lost!!! I wish he would have done some explaining of what was going on. He would call out poses and I was wtf is he talking about??? Can you stand at the front of the class and give some of us an idea of what you are talking about? Show us? The other people in class totally knew what was going on, so I followed them for the most part.\n\nIt's not that the instructor sucked because he didn't. But, he knew we were first timers and I wish he would have spent a little more time at the front of class at least showing what some of us *cough* ME *cough* should have been doing. So I struggled and tried to keep up.\n\nAfterwards the instructor said I did a really good job, which made me feel better. I was worried that I had embarrassed myself but I did not. I got a lot out of this class, and feel like a million bucks right now.\n\nThank you Sumit Yoga for a good hearty work out!"^^ . . "2014-10-09T00:00:00"^^ . "2"^^ . . .