"2"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Never again! set an appointment 1 week prior when I dropped off F-350 Mike didnt remember the appointment. So had to wait till late afternoon to get diagnosis. said EGR was bad, replaced it, but now a mysterious shut down of computer happens, Mike said sometime computers go bad, this was just a coincidence, pay me another 1000.00 and we can fix it. COMPUTERS JUST DO GO BAD! especially when there were no symptoms prior. Mike was going to charge me full price to change computer even though I felt like it was something he had a hand in. Took it to AutoNation Ford. computer was shorted out due to crushed wiring harness. Wonder how that happened? Mike was the only one climbing around under the hood. His prices are equivalent to dealership prices, Talks a grand line of diesel BS. beware!"^^ . . "2015-03-30T00:00:00"^^ . . .