"It's now been a day later and I've finally awoken from my food coma to write this review. I first saw this mentioned on Man vs. Food and figured if it was good enough for a food critic to give a thumbs up, it was worth a shot.\n\nAll four of us ordered the Torta del Rey but on the back of the menu I see this extra entry that says \"Extra meat on Torta $4\", so I ask the waitress if what Adam had gotten was a del Rey with extra meat to which she confirmed in the affirmative. So that is what I order, my less adventurous companions all order just the regular del Rey.\n\n15 minutes later this meat Juggernaut on a plate surrounded with Ruffles chips is before me. This is the most massive thing I've ever seen and could definitely be a front runner for an eating competition. The sandwich was about 8 inches long and would say about 5-6 inches high. It towered over my coke can as I, my friends, the waitresses and many other customers came by to take pictures of this gargantuan meat monstrosity. Everyone elses torta was cut in half, mine was sadly not but held together with two skewers. All the layers of meat inside of the torta were succulent and delicious, the size did make for a bit less enjoyable experience since each bite had to be performed in a quadrant so all the available flavors could not be combined but were segmented. I was probably good with only half the torta, which was about a pound, but goaded by everyone around I put on my Torta Warrior face and finished the other half much to everyone's amazement. The chips don't seem to go well with the torta, would rather have had tortilla chips to dip in the salsas provided.\n\nOverall a very inexpensive place to eat and for a little more you can probably feed two people off one sandwich. A must experience for anyone in the north valley."^^ . . "1"^^ . . "4"^^ . "0"^^ . "2010-08-13T00:00:00"^^ . "1"^^ . .