"8"^^ . "FRANKIE MORENO, A MIXED BAG\n\nOK, so last night (10/2/13) we went to see Frankie Moreno (no, not that drag queen guy, the one with real talent) at the Stratosphere. The whole thing was a mixed bag.\n\nFirst, the good stuff. The theatre was top notch, with very comfortable chairs, rock solid tables, clean carpets, excellent lighting throughout and a fine sound system. And the \"seating density\" was very moderate, so that we were \"approximate\" to others but not crammed in like sardines. Drink service was very attentive and friendly, with some outright humor. Excellent ambiance.\n\nThe pre-show video was (largely) interesting and informative (I knew nothing of his background).\n\nKudos to Moreno for his massive talent as a singer, musician and songwriter. He delivers the show in a high energy style that clearly requires significant aerobic capability and physicality.\n\nHe has a fine nine-piece band made up of a drummer, a long-legged string trio, a brass trio, one lead and one bass guitarist. Moreno handles piano, harmonica, guitar and vocals. Together, they put out a massive sound.\n\nNow, the bad stuff. Together they put out a massive sound.\n\nThey have one level. Full blast, 130 decibel, in your face, crack the concrete VOLUME. If that's your thing, you'll love 'em. I would have liked to hear the names of the group members when he introduced them, but the drummer was banging away so loud I think I caught \"Jennifer\" ... and that's it. Who she was I'm still not sure.\n\nThey have one tempo. Full speed, 95 MPH, hair on fire, full throttle, run like hell, RUSH. If you have no interest in catching the lyrics, or savouring a note, you'll do just fine.\n\nThey have one \"musical interior design\" modality. Frilly, froufrou, Victorian mansion, lace doily. When 6-8 succulent notes would have been perfect, you get 15-20 ornate runs in rapid fire succession. At times it's impossible to tell what the original melody was. It's all a bit frantic, and tiring.\n\nOK, so all of the above isn't ABSOLUTELY accurate, but it's 90% + accurate.\n\nFor example, he did slide into a nice, measured piano solo rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water. Then, 2/3 of the way through he raced off into a jarring heavy-rock ending that ruined the whole mood. Frankie, not every piece has to be \"Jerry Lee Lewis-esque.\" We know you can bang the ivories, so lighten up a bit.\n\nSame thing with the special song he had written for Ray Charles, delivered in a thoughtful, Charles-esque manner (I even caught most of the lyrics) ... which ended up in another frantic dash to the finish. Pity.\n\nDoes he have talent? You bet. Does he have charisma? Yup. Is he surrounded by talented musicians? Absolutely. Would I want to see him again? Nope. \n\nShould you go see him? Maybe, just know what you're getting into.\n\nAs for me, give me Human Nature over Moreno, every time.\n\nDean Herrington"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "2013-12-01T00:00:00"^^ . "2"^^ . "2"^^ . .