. "I love many things about Midwives Collective of Toronto.\n\nIf you're ready to go for a Midwife, call a.s.a.p., since there are oftentimes waiting lists of others who are interested in getting one.\n\nWe thought about it a bit, and orignially ended up being on a waiting list. Eventually, they called us, and though we were happy with our ob/gyn, we really wanted the midwife experience, and definitely to have 6 weeks postpartum care (they will come to you for the first 2-3 visits).\n\nHospital vs. Midwife\nH-wait 40-60 minutes to see your ob/gyn for 15 min.;\nH- your ob/gyn won't get to know you, personally, that well;\nH- in the end, it might not be your regular ob/gyn in the delivery room with you;\nH-no postpartum care. I think that mothers and babies are expected to see your regular physician. (Correct me if I'm wrong);\nH - access to more advanced technology, onsite.\n\nM-wait a few minutes to see the midwife for 40-60 minutes;\nM-6 weeks of postpartum care for you and your baby(ies);\nM- pager number given, they can be called anytime if you/your partner has any urgent concerns;\nM-so much more personable, they seem to really be able to get to know you;\nM- you will get a primary and a backup (secondary) midwife;\nM-you should call before heading over, in case your midwife was needed at another client's birth;\nM- access to more advanced technology, offsite.\nM-this midwife clinic is associated with Mount Sinai. If you end up needing or wanting to deliver in a hospital, you'd be heading there;\nM - there is a good chance that there would be a midwife student also present/assisting.\n\nYes, I'd definitely recommend this place to a friend/family member.\n\nMidwives, as with any ob/gyn, have different personalities.\n\nBefore we committed to Midwives Collective, we considered another location, which was o.k., but we chose to stick with MC since the space was nicely set up, clean, the bathrooms were nice, Kim the receptionist is very on the ball, and we adore our main midwife.\n\nIf you chose to have a second/subsequent babies, you will be given priority to your midwife, provided s/he is available around your new due date."^^ . . "5"^^ . "0"^^ . "2014-05-08T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "6"^^ . .