"0"^^ . "I LOVE THIS PLACE!! \n\nDon't be fooled by the bad reviews!!!\nCome on people!! If you want a deep massage just have the common sense to speak up when you arrive there...!!! they have therapists that can do soft massage or deep massage... it's a matter of preference!! \n(I prefer deep myself, I always call and ask for Lilly, they can use a small tool for a deeper foot massage;) \n\nThis is a wonderful place!! Owner is sweet and friendly and the ladies are all good! \nPrice is very affordable!! BEST PRICE IN TOWN!!! \nI've recommended friends and I will keep going back!!"^^ . . "2018-06-06T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "5"^^ . "0"^^ . .