<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://purl.org/stuff/rev#rating>	"4"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://schema.org/itemReviewed>	<http://data.yelp.com/Business/id/tKK9PI4Iua0GDbflKYSGag> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#coolReviews>	"0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://schema.org/dateCreated>	"2009-02-18T00:00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://purl.org/stuff/rev#reviewer>	<http://data.yelp.com/User/id/5cLYXhfmVqh48jaEbqFCdw> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type>	<http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#funnyReviews>	"4"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#usefulReviews>	"3"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .
<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/PpT8XvgiOgoNMHE76RCWCw>	<http://purl.org/stuff/rev#text>	"We need to window coverings, we need new chairs, we need some prints, we need to get a second mortgage after we finish here!\nEndless Idea's has the perfect name, because once you enter their 19th Century Victorian Show House you will find ways to spend money.\n\nThey are Interior designers, but also act as wholesalers for furniture, lighting, and pretty much anything else you can fit in your house.\nThey have this amazing service that costs $125 - They will come to your house and based on your current furniture and personality, they will design a color scheme for every room. This is especially good for the new home buyers - as stark white walls drive people crazy (well at least mine did!). They provide you with a color scheme layout, and swatches with color code. So basically you can walk across the street to the Benjamin Moore Paint Store and pick up your buckets.\n\nWhen we decided to get new drapes, Jen our designer came over to the house with a massive amount  samples. Silk, wool, the list goes on and on. We chose our styles (who knew that there were so many different styles of how drapes could be hung??), and 3 weeks later the installation was complete. Craft in a print, and 2 new armless chairs and we were done.\n\nThe service is outstanding, and the quality of material for what we purchased was excellent. \n\nPlease remember one thing:\n\nEndless Idea's......so I hope you have and Endless pocketbook!"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> .