"0"^^ . "Dr. Perez is an great guy and an even better doctor.\n\nGoing to get your eyes checked isn't really a fun thing to do in my book but I actually look forward to catching up with Dr. Perez each year.\n\nI'm terrible with my contacts - I am not a model patient by anyone's standards. I hate people poking around in my eye, even when it's me. The OG staff and Dr. P are just genuinely nice & helpful people.\n\nI work in the medical\\benefits industry, but it doesn't take someone in the field to determine that if your prescription changes, you would more inclined to buy new glasses etc... So it's not uncommon for a dishonest optometrist to tell you they've changed when in actuality - they're the same. It's not uncommon for an Optometrist to tell you a more expensive brand of contact lenses would benefit you more when your old brand is just as good. I've heard sad stories of people being taken advantage of just so they come out of pocket more than they needed to. It's just plain dishonesty.\nNot here, and not this guy.\n\nThere are hundreds of places in this city to get your eyes checked. If you are looking for someone who's honest, helpful, and might actually make you 'enjoy' what is considered by many as unenjoyable -- this is the place and this is the guy."^^ . . "2013-06-25T00:00:00"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "5"^^ . "2"^^ .