"0"^^ . "2013-08-29T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "First thought was, the gym was a very decent size for a crossfit gym! lots of nice equipment as well!.. I gave it two stars one for thesize and equipment and the other star for the main gym!!! not to often can you crossfit after doing \"curls in the squat rack\" :)..... the fact i only gave it two stars was because i felt very uncomfortable the min i walked in the door. trainers werent typical crossfit trainers (based on past experiences with many other crossfit gyms) and most formost they lacked alot of knowledge of crossfit.... overall seems like they opened this \"crossfit gym\" to attact a tons of average people, give them cheap training, for the most expensive price...... First impressions are important if you want a second..... you wont find me back here any time soon"^^ .