"Where do I even start besides saying BEWARE, if you are thinking of going to Value City Furniture PLEASE think again!! Usually people complain about the sales people and they were truly the least of the problems! \nFirst my boyfriend and I purchased a couch and because my credit is not the best we went through their program that guarantees you are approved, you just have to pay the couch off sooner then you would if you rent directly through the store. The sales person didn't seem as interested in helping us after that but none the less it seemed like we had a good payment plan set up.. That was until we called to make our monthly payment and we were informed that we had to pay the couch off at that time or we would be charged triple what the couch price was over the next several months! We were shocked and outraged, we were never told about this.. We went over all of our paper work and nothing in it said that this was the deal! Needless to say the people in customer service were no help and very rude! We had no choice to pay off this couch that is a sectional and doesn't even connect..\nSecond, my sister and her boyfriend went and purchased a couch, they wanted to have the couch delivered by the 31st, due to their dog having surgery. It's $100 for shipping and they say they will call the night before to let you know the time range the couch would be delivered.. They through out their old furniture a because the delivering company does not take your old furniture.. Around 8 PM, they still had not received a call about the time so my sister decided to call and find out the time so someone would be there. After being on hold and transferred they were told the couch was on back order until the end of April!!!! No one had informed them and the lady was very rude. This place is a joke, after canceling the order and trying to cancel the credit card the lady hung up. What kind of place is this????"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "1"^^ . "2017-03-31T00:00:00"^^ . . "0"^^ .