"0"^^ . "Was a long time client of Dr Stelman. Witnessed the most incredible rudeness toward a customer. It does not take a mind reader to understand that greed kills a business and care about cats is the least of this office . Money is....I was accompanying a friend to pick up a sick cat and they charged us an astronomic amount for visit , injection and medication. Despite a specific request on her part ( in writting) to be notified of the cat condition and cost of treatment , they want ahead, pilled up multiple costs and treated the lady like dirt because she was trying to understand all the medications administered and was also asking what the meds were for and when and how to administer them. The desk girl knew nothing , I mean zero , was rude . Finally got someone who knew something and explain what was wrong with the cat and justified the 6 meds ( no less) . My friend definitly had a tough time with the the high expenditure and ask for a payment schedule . The sad part is that she is truely an animal lover and she does cat rescues. The cats are often ferral but she manages to save them and take them for treatment when they are ill. She has very little means but a great heart . They are not her cats but she cares enough to look after a cat colony on her block. It is a sort of sanctuary amd my lady friend make the effort to catch the cats and take them down for neutering and spaying , at her cost. It is difficult for her financially and I have sponsored a few neutering to help her. This vet office knows her situation and the way they acted toward her was so inhuman that I felt nauseous . She has paid over the last 6 months over $1500 in different care for her rescues and she does it on payment plans . She has never missed a payment . It is hard to see someone put in such an embarassing situation in front of an office full of people . The office knows very well that my friends does rescue and care for a cat colony. IT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR TO INSULT the lady , who was never insulting to them or never took advantage of their services . What happened to the doctor Steelman that I was referred to myself years ago by the LIed animal shelter for good care and fair pricing for animal rescues . i will never go to this vet , ever again , embarassing a human being doing charitable work just over an heavily inflated bill is a human disgrace and so grossly mishandled by their office manager that I cannot remain silent on the verbal abuse inflicted upon my friend who never deserved such poor treatment. A SHAME ."^^ . . . "2015-01-17T00:00:00"^^ . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ .