"1"^^ . "0"^^ . "Finally have the time to write a review. The greeting was nice. But the massage therapist was so socially awkward it made me feel uncomfortable. She had no confidence in her presence and it later showed in the massage. She offered me two different massages and didn't mention it was an extra ten dollars until I asked. I just wanted a massage straight to the point. I asked for more pressure four times throughout the massage and the pressure remained the same. She didn't let me enjoy my massage because every few minutes she'd ask if I was ok. Which I get but if I had to ask you four times and nothing's changed I'm just gonna shut up and not say anything. When I was checking out all I wanted to do was pay and leave. I wanted to complain but I almost felt like if I did this therapist would go cry in a corner. Then I was of course bombarded with this and that offer. I left paying $70 but this whole time it's been eating me up that I spend that much and was not satisfied and any way. I work 15 hour days and just had t had time to call to express my frustration but it's still bothering me I spent that much money for something I could have paid my little cousin to do. Instead, I'm still in pain and nothing was worked out. I really wanted a do over and on the house but i would be worried I'd get the same service. I don't think I'd ever be going back and when my friends asked me how it went and if I would recommend them...I told it's not worth a penny. They lost me and prospective customers."^^ . . "2017-06-25T00:00:00"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ .