. . "5"^^ . "1"^^ . . "11"^^ . "0"^^ . "If I could leave no stars I would. Beware- do not take your child to Dr. Claudia Garcia when you actually need your pediatrician to examine your sick child. \n\nI called My Kids Doctor on a Monday afternoon at 12:30 asking to make a sick appointment. I was told I didn't need appointment to just walk-in before 3 pm. I took my child who was running a 100.8 fever and complaining of severe stomach cramps to the office as a \"walk-in\". I arrived at 2pm and was called back to an exam room at 2:45. We then sat in the exam room until 3:30 when I finally asked the nurse how much longer it would be before we would see the doctor. Meanwhile my daughter is dryheaving and crying. The Nurse tells me she would check with the doctor, she comes back and tells me it will be another 45 mins to an hour. I explained that we had been there since 2pm and she stated she was sorry but the doctor had to see her appointments first then her sick walk-ins. I asked if sick children take presidence over healthy ones and she simply said no. Wow! By now my child has vomited 3 times. I asked the Nurse a second time to get the doctor and again I was told we would have to wait our turn. I have never encountered a Pediatrician will no moral ethics or compassion. I mean their speciality is children. If you are not equipped or staffed to handle sick appointments than do not accept them. But allowing a patient to wait(a sick patient at that) that long is just unprofessional. Need less to say I left and took my child to another Pediatrician. Please don't make the same mistake I did with trusting the care of your child's health to Dr. Claudia Garcia."^^ . "2014-11-21T00:00:00"^^ .