"Today I went to the AZ Bird store to get an english budgie. I, of course, looked it up on yelp. I took it at face value and disregarded the negative reviews. Let me tell you, DO NOT SUPPORT THIS STORE! When you walk in, it reeked. The bird room to the right is the source. The floor was covered in filth and waste. But the worst part was that they were horribly overstocked. They waaay too many large birds who all looked disheveled and stressed. I went to the cage that contained the parakeets, and there were many of them crammed in a cage with equal or more cockatiels. It was absolutely shocking! I am finding contacts to report this place. I don't care if it was the middle of the day on a Sunday. If you have THAT MANY birds, their environment needs to be cleaned often, and the birds need more attention and care. They should absolutely be ashamed, and if there is someone in charge of taking care of these birds at this particular point in time, they should be fired, or extremely reprimanded for the conditions I saw the bird in today. My only regret is that I did not take any pictures to share."^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . "2015-02-16T00:00:00"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "4"^^ .