. . "This show didn't do it for me. I had higher expectations because it is the only ice show of its kind at the moment on the Strip, but it was quite a disappointment for me. First of all, the room is set up for so that as a couple, you are sitting across a 2 ft wide table from each other (facing each other) and you have to turn your head to see the stage. Let me just say that after 15 minutes, my neck and subsequently my side was aching (although I was 6.5 months pregnant).\n\nThe stage is surprisingly small which forces the skaters to go in small circles to do their tricks. The humor was painful to watch. I don't doubt everyone was very talented but I had trouble with the very glitzy sparkly outfits and countless hair tosses. It was cheesy to me, bottom line. And I felt the performers had an air of \"too-cool-for-school\" as opposed to being there to engage and WOW the audience. For some reason, I felt the performers were trying too hard to get attention, instead of letting their talents shine on their own. \n\nA few of the balancing tricks were amazing, I was somewhat entertained overall, but was very very glad I did not have to pay for tickets (thanks to attending a grueling 2.5 hr timeshare pep rally).\n\nI have been spoiled by artistic details and original musical presentation of the Cirque Du Soleil. ICE does not compare in the least."^^ . "1"^^ . "2007-10-26T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . .