"0"^^ . "Used Car Buyers, Beware Red Rock Automotive!!\nNot sure where to start, but this place is totally unprofessional!! I just had the worst experience ever with Red Rock, specifically Wade and Mike. \n\nI live out of state but was strongly considering buying a car from Red Rock Auto after seeing one online I liked. I'm a serious cash buyer and wanted to proceed further. So, after a week of on going, online negotiations with Wade, I decided to take it to the final step. I told him as a smart consumer I would of course never be able to buy a used car or talk final price without first having it taken to an outside shop for inspection, even from a five- star dealer like he claims to be! But, that pending that outcome, I was more than prepared to make a fair offer on the car. \n\nWade agreed to take it to a shop my mechanic suggested in the area, but, he also said that unless I gave him an \"up front, out the door price\" that it would be a waste of his time to take it for inspection since it would most likely result in a lower offer and essentially, net him less money!!!\nBut a Carfax and dealer claims like Wade's, that a car is in great shape, would certainly be a slim reed to hang a major purchase like a used car on, especially when I might be spending close to $20,000! Don't know about you, but I certainly want that outside inspection done first, so I know exactly what I might, or might not be buying!\n\nTo make matters worse, the last email I received was from Mike, possibly the owner, who said, \n\"We have no problem accommodating a buyer by taking the vehicle there, however we have had experiences where buyers have had their vehicles to third party shops, who have been given a clean bill of health and \"thumbs up\" from their selected service shop and then offer a price that isn't feasible for making a purchase. \"\n\nThey were both obviously afraid I'd make a low offer based on whatever the outside shop inspection found. Which must mean they know something would show up on that inspection that would cause me to have concern enough to warrant a lower offer. \n\nBut, isn't that the whole point of an outside inspection? To protect the consumer from either over paying for a car that isn't worth the amount being asked, and or possibly even buying an unsafe car to begin with??\n\nYou Tell Me!!!"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2017-07-27T00:00:00"^^ . "6"^^ . . . "2"^^ .