"If I could do zero stars I would..\nI agree with Sasha 100%.\nI just finished with the painful reconstruction of my breasts damaged horribly by sacs..\n\nHe did two BA's on me. 2 mistakes I wish I never had done. My breasts were so badly damaged by sacs I had to have the implants removed. \n\nSacs also did lipo near my armpits severing a piece of my left pectoral muscle almost completely off and he left it dangling in my body! \n\nsacs and I agreed to go over the muscle, or should I say he convinced me with fancy drawings and large medical vocabulary to go that route. Big mistake. You cannot see the implant when it's over the muscle in a mammogram which makes it more difficult to detect abnormalities. A vital piece of information he left out of our conversation. \n\nWhen my explant was performed by a board certified plastic surgeon she stated one implant was under the muscle and one was over! Really?, I sure did not agree to that lazy way of performing the surgery. It caused me to now have scarring under and over the muscle , costing more money, more time and more pain to have repaired. \n\nThank god my wonderful Board Certified Plastic Surgeon found it and repaired it, along with repairing all the other damage caused by sacs.\n\nSacs just wants your money, disregarding your health and safety. \n\nPlease spend the extra money on an actual plastic surgeon. Sacs will damage your body and not give it a second thought."^^ . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . "2016-01-15T00:00:00"^^ .