<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#reviewer> <http://data.yelp.com/User/id/4NMYUGYfpn47BjtjIvhXsA> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#usefulReviews> "2"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://schema.org/itemReviewed> <http://data.yelp.com/Business/id/lXH-2--dUls3FSPsnJFbPQ> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://schema.org/dateCreated> "2016-11-01T00:00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#funnyReviews> "1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#coolReviews> "0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#rating> "1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/B37hAF1cMPcDUN_OFBeyYQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#text> "my tablet died and after some research I finally had one picked out. Best Buy was running a deal on it for the same price I could get it on Amazon. I like to buy local so I went into the store.\n \nI went in, found the tablets, and sat on my Walker and waited for assistance. There was a girl at the counter about 10 feet away from me. I sat there for 30 minutes and she never looked up from her phone except when co-workers came over to show her something on their phones. I tried to get their attention a couple of times with no luck. I got on my phone and ordered the tablet, a case, and extra memory Kama from Amazon while sitting in their store. \n \n All in all their indifference cost the store just over $600 today. I usually like to buy local but this is the last time I will be going into Best Buy in Champaign. With this kind of service I can't imagine they'll be around much longer anyway."^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> .