"0"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . "They were great when they first opened, and have gone downhill recently. Tonight, Sunday 10/9/2016 at 8pm, I went through the drive through and ordered a Gordita Crunch big box and upgraded the taco to a supreme, and ordered a second taco supreme to go with it. I asked that they make sure that the supremes and burrito had sour cream as the last two time they didn't put ANY in. I was charged accordingly for the extra taco, and my drink was a sweet tea. The guy at the window handed me the box, and then handed me the tea. The top wasn't on tight and as he put it to my window it fell into my lap and tea and ice went everywhere. In my lap, the door, the seat, the floor, the dash board....every where. I pulled into a parking space and got the ice out but the tea was soaked in everywhere including my pants. They gave me another tea. When I got home I sat in my recliner and opened the box. Right off they had forgotten the extra taco supreme I'd paid for. When I unwrapped the gordita crunchwrap the tomatoes, lettuce and cheese immediately dumped into my lap. I didn't bother to go back and get the other taco for fear something else would happen. Until they drug test these idiots I'm NOT going back.!!"^^ . "2016-10-10T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ .