"2017-09-07T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "5"^^ . "0"^^ . . "I've taken my car in to them twice now and they've been great!\n\n Let me start by saying that I have a nearly 25 year old Volvo that has throughout the years suffered from a lack of funds to adequately address every hiccup along the way... A variety of Craigslist mechanics, friends, friends of friends and even Your mechanic have all fiddled under her hood cobbling together stopgap solutions to get me by. It worked, but every time they veered a little farther away from how she was originally engineered to be. Years ago there was a Volvo mechanic off Spring Mountain, but he's long since closed shop... Being a somewhat unique little vehicle it's been an uphill climb finding someone I could trust ever since. I even had a mechanic laugh derisively and tell me I should just sell the thing because, and I quote, \"No one wants to touch those things\". Thank Glob that guy was just an asshole! \n\nJared and Phil have both worked on my car and not only do they know Volvos, they actually LIKE them! Do you know how much of a relief that is after all these years? My little brick has been put through some real trials and survived trips to Seattle, having a fire started on the engine by my dad (combustible fluids, hot engines, and alcohol intoxication are not a good mix kids)... But she STILL runs. I'm easily on my way to 200,000 miles and she's still a sturdy daily driver that handles well to boot. \n\nThey've been very up front with me about what needed done and the costs. When I picked up my car the first time, Jared came out and explained what he'd done, what needed done and whether it was immediate or something to consider at a later point. Second time around Phil helped me and he, too, took the time to show or at least explain to me what he'd done and what he'd recommend as follow up. Both seemed genuine and didn't pressure me for upsales or expensive repairs that weren't necessary. I appreciate that a LOT. Being a lass, I have sometimes felt that mechanics I've talked to were preying on that fact and an assumption I was naive, and tend to be on guard for that. I felt like these guys were pretty upfront with me and that was great. \n\nThey've redone my cooling system, replaced some things in my transmission, and a few other things that have all made the car even sturdier and helped get it closer to factory spec. It wasn't cheap, and with all the work she needed it took a couple of weeks, but they truly went above and beyond my expectations so I don't feel I was over charged, nor was I terribly miffed about waiting. I would rather they take their time and do it right than rush it. I feel safe driving her and have peace of mind knowing I have a reliable shop with mechanics who have a genuine passion for keeping cars like mine on the road. I'll be taking her back anytime she needs any kind of work done because I KNOW she's in good hands."^^ . "0"^^ . . .