"2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "2"^^ . "5"^^ . "2014-09-24T00:00:00"^^ . . . "EXCELLENT! I came to this gym to train with MARCUS NASH! I had noticed several colleagues getting into incredible shape with him so I decided to go for it myself. \n\nI am actually considering training as a Fitness Model after the results I have achieved with Nash! He has not only challenged me to do more than I thought I was capable of, but he has built my confidence with reaching goals I would have never known I could achieve.\n\nFrom my personal experience and hearing many others rave about him, MARCUS NASH is a MASTER Personal Trainer, PRO-ATHLETE, has YEARS OF EXPERIENCE of a VARIETY OF SPORTS TRAINING and even PERSONAL INJURY (don't hold off training from an injury better yet get scheduled asap), including steps beyond CROSS FIT, PROFESSIONAL BOXING, has extensive knowledge with how to target the right muscles (including muscles most trainers don't realize even exist) for what your NEEDS are for your skill level. He pays attention to PERSONAL DETAIL, works with you and knows what you are capable of better that you think you do for what your body can withstand to achieve MAXIMUM RESULTS. If all that isn't enough TO BLOW YOUR PANTS OFF, he is AFFORDABLE and a fraction of the price of any other trainer I know which is unheard of with his WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE. Not to mention he is easy on the eyes. \n \nNASH is AMAZING at what he does, and I cant say enough great things about him both as a trainer and as a person. When i trained consistently, and just did what he suggested, i ADVANCED QUICKLY . YES, it can be that easy. Sometimes I wanted to kill him and often screamed profanities, but afterwards I was beyond grateful! One of my many favorites is sparing with him. It is an excellent workout and a lot of FUN! \n\nLEGENDS gym has EXCELLENT CLASSES available where everyone gets smoked and has a BLAST DOING IT. THE GYM has a nice layout and maximized its space provided Legends gym is very PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY for newcomers unlike other smaller gyms, it wont take long for you to feel at home. \n\nTHANKS AGAIN NASH :)"^^ .