. "8"^^ . "My three friends, my boyfriend and I ate at Spoon House on Friday at about noon (3/19). The food was mediocre, the ambiance was good, and I left feeling pretty satisfied. The satisfaction wore off, and the nightmare began, like so many B-grade horror movies. \nFast forward to Saturday night. My stomach feels like it's being stabbed by a thousand treacherous knives, and my boyfriend is not doing much better. We're getting chills, we're achy, and we can't do much beyond lay on our backs and bemoan our pathetic existence.\nAround 10:30, calamity hit. Our apartment bathroom devolved into a Lord of the Flies scenario, with both of us fighting past each other to find something, anything, to throw up into. Vomit the consistency of wet granola spewed out of each of us like buckshot. I will spare you the details of our other bodily functions, but let's just say that by dawn, our bathroom resembled a Pollock. \nMy boyfriend only vomited once. One of the unfortunate souls we dined with threw up over twelve times All of us were too weak to do much beyond lay on our respective bathroom floors, undergo unspeakably painful stomach cramps, vomit, and pray for an Easter miracle. \nSpoon House, all of Neptune's great ocean will not wash this blood from your hands. We're graduate students. We all have deadlines and conferences coming up, and having to sleep in a bathtub because I just can't stop throwing up is not the best use of my time. The fact that all five of us had different dishes just underscores the fact that you guys need to start following health code before you get shut down. As per my scorched earth policy, I will never go back and I will warn all of my friends about your culinary betrayals. Get it together."^^ . "13"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "2013-03-31T00:00:00"^^ . "13"^^ .