<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#funnyReviews> "1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://schema.org/dateCreated> "2016-07-16T00:00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://schema.org/itemReviewed> <http://data.yelp.com/Business/id/N58CiJxvwAVD8zUG2oMWvA> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#rating> "3"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#usefulReviews> "5"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#text> "This meal service is OK if you are looking to save time from cooking and grocery shopping. They deliver promptly and text you the day of with an ETA. The drivers are great, if I am away from home I ask them to text me as soon as they drop off my food, so that I can run home and put the meals in the fridge.\n\nSo let's talk about FOOD QUALITY. This is the main reason I'm giving FitPrep 3/5 stars and nothing more.\n\nThe chicken is dry about 90% of the time in my meals. I am a terrible cook and can cook a chicken breast better than these guys can.\n\nThey promise 100 g of carbs and 4 oz of veggies in their Lean Package. It never looks like enough veggies... my meals are mostly rice/pasta. Surprisingly, the pasta is normal/white instead of wheat - which is what I would expect from a \"healthy\" meal prepping service. The rice also looks like a hybrid between brown and white - so I'm guessing its cheap brown rice. I've had meals with 4-5 string beans or stalks of asparagus, and the rest of the container is rice. \n\nAfter spending a little over $200 for 2 weeks worth of meals, I don't think I will use FitPrep again."^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#coolReviews> "0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/3-jlCu7_UxhV5AegI3u95Q> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#reviewer> <http://data.yelp.com/User/id/nIaAT1oAxqksMUSi7AjDLg> .