"So Ju and I went to Ripley's Aquarium of Canada and I have to say it was a huge disappointment.\n\n1. We purchased our tickets online for the 11-12 window, only finally receiving our tickets at 12.\n\n2. Crowded doesn't' begin to describe it, you had people practically walking on top of you there was so little space, very little 'crowd control' to keep people moving.\n\n3. The aquariums while beautiful in their setup, were absolutely far too small for much of what was in them, with the exception of a few. I also didn't enjoy seeing the aquariums where people could reach in and touch the animals numerous guests were dropping rocks and gravel on the animals, something that is absolutely inappropriate and cruel. How would you like to see someone dropping rocks on your head, for no other reason than, they could? Seriously, not necessary at all.\n\n4. The cafeteria was a joke, they crammed like 10 tables so close together, I had to climb the railing to get out of my chair, there was literally that little room.\n\n5. The 'greeters' offered no help walking in the door other than to say \"oh everyone is having that problem\". Great, glad to hear 'everyone' is having ticket problems. I had to go to customer service and then have some random guy come up to me before we finally found out what to do about the fact that we didn't receive our tickets.\n\n6. We had absolutely no idea where we were going in side, twice ending up in areas we weren't supposed to (or intended) to go, and was simply told -- you can't go this way.\n\nAll in all, a very disappointing experience and this will be the only $60 donation (yes I consider the fees I paid a donation because I really don't feel I received any kind of quality 'service' in return for my money) that Ripley's will ever get. When this little venture fails, and eventually it will because I definitely see this getting boring and old VERY quickly, I sincerely hope they release these poor fish and sharks into a good habitat.\n\nSincerely,\n\nOne very dissatisfied customer"^^ . "2"^^ . . . "18"^^ . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . . "2013-11-09T00:00:00"^^ .