"1"^^ . "Service is all over the place. Inconsistent. Aloof. Partial treatment. One of the young waitresses caters to regulars. For example, the other day she went out of her way to hand plastic cups to her group of friends and offered to individually pour them water. Why not treat all of your customers that way? I felt like I was in high school again: extremely cliquey. \n\nI've also observed that one of the male workers gave free desserts to a family and a big block of feta cheese to a couple next to us. Perhaps they were good friends. But that's irrelevant. Again, why not hand out free desserts & blocks of feta cheese to all of your customers?\n\nInconsistent quality of food. One day my falafel sandwich was amazing - a mind-blowing experience. But then a month later my falafel sandwich was a dismal disappointment. There was no plump, well-cooked warm falafel inside of my pita sandwich. Instead there were tiny bits of cold leftover crumbles of falafel thrown inside a soggy, almost inedible rubbery pita. I complained to the waitress expecting a brand new falafel wrap to be made. Instead she came back and handed me a plate of four disproportionately sized falafel; not a single one was in the nice shape of a medium-sized ball - one looked like an elongated, stretched out elephant turd, the other was in the form of a tiny black dot. Plus it was overly cooked (crispy & burnt). I'm guessing this was left over scraps from a burnt stove. She told me to just \"throw it in\" my wrap as she quickly walked away. \n\nWhat's the point in eating \"good tasting\" food if you're preoccupied with horrible customer service? You cannot enjoy the food much less digest it properly.\n\nAlso, the establishment seems to exude a certain element of Arabic/Lebanese elitism. Which probably explains the partial treatment of their \"favorite\" customers.\n\nFYI: I strongly encourage you to go to Haji Baba. Consistent, excellent quality of food and most importantly: impartial treatment & welcoming/friendly customer service."^^ . . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . "2015-06-28T00:00:00"^^ . . .