"0"^^ . "2017-03-04T00:00:00"^^ . "5"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "Great jumpin' june bugs, the boys here at Moon Valley are fixin' to be the rootin-est tootin-est crack team of landscape professionals I've seen since the Great War! First off of course, why I simply CAIN'T leave me a proper review on this here Webternet site without givin' a cowboy's salute to David, the crackerjack salesman who done listened intently to my hankerin' for a big green tropical paradise and hooked me up with the greenest shrubberies y'all ever did see. And boy oh boy, when Antjuan and the A-Team showed up to de-hog-tie and wrangle them green monsters onto my homestead, well it just about made this old cowpoke's heart fit to bust. I simply ain't never gonna visit no other snake-oil-peddling, fly-by-night plant warehouse and you can bet yer bottom dollar on that, ya varmint."^^ .