"2017-01-27T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "I bought a Cresleigh spec home in Sonoran Mountain Ranch a year and a half ago. The lot and the home are beautiful. The problem is with the customer service of this company. The head builder, Tomas, told me when we first moved in that if we EVER had any issues to call him directly. He spoke of being incredibly proud of his work and would fix any issue that we had. \nWith that said....\n\nOur first summer here, the air conditioning went out twice in one month. Thank God it was under warranty but it took four trips for Chase Roberts to get it right. \n\n\nFast forward a year. It's time for our one year inspection. The process was incredibly painful to set up because we live in North Peoria and the customer care rep, Luke Jones, would only set a four hour window in the middle of the day and only in the middle of the week. Well I work during the week but it didn't matter. He doesn't work weekends and certainly doesn't want to sit in traffic to get back to the East valley. I was not given a choice. It was a bad experience all around but the few issues we had were taken care of except the interior paint. The painter came to do the touch ups and not only used the wrong color paint, it had a terrible smell to it like it was very old. The painters came out twice and could never get it right. I decided to do it myself and took the paint codes from the \" new home book\" I was given by Cresleigh but alas, the paint codes were wrong. I could never get the correct ones from anyone working the company and 18 months later, the paint still doesn't match. I tried to call the painting contractor a few times but the phone number went straight to a fax machine. \n\nNext, the block wall I'm the back yard began to erode away from excessive moisture. The hiking trail that is directly behind the wall holds moisture after it rains and it seeps into the block causing deterioration. I called Cresleigh and was told the it was an issue for my home owners association. The association said it was the builders fault. Finally I tried to fix it myself but it happened again this year. \n\nNext, last week I noticed three cracks in the dining room ceiling in the dry wall. They all three span the seems. I sent pictures to Tomas, the builder, and asked him what could be done. Remember, he stands behind his work. Not so much. I got an email from Luke Jones today saying that his drywall contractors were to busy to even look at it and then he suggested I fix it myself. I know they don't want to help me because I stood my ground with the rep. Very immature and vindictive. Not surprising at all. \n\nI want all potential home buyers of Cresleigh to know what I have dealt with. I would NEVER buy another home from this company."^^ . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . "1"^^ . . . .