. "1"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "When I called to try to schedule, someone answered with \"hello?\" (no reference to company name and not very friendly). When I explained I was looking for Neat Freakz she told me that was the number, but that they were closed. When I asked to leave a message, I was directed to call back again and leave it on the voice mail. It seems like the number they are using is a cellphone. Based on this unprofessional answering \"service\", plus the fact that they are booked nearly solid for the next two months, I'm not sure I am going to be able to use my Living Social Deal. It's really disappointing when companies oversell their promotions and then will not extend the date when they will accept the voucher. One hour of their \"normal\" price equals the entire amount I paid for the voucher. So, using the Living Social Deal after the expiration date would only get me one hour of cleaning. Based on my experiences so far, I would recommend choosing another company for your cleaning needs!\n\nUpdate: This company came to clean for us. After sending an email to them over a week ago to see if they would extend the deal until a Saturday was available (and not getting a response), I took off early from work. Good thing I got home early as they came at 2:15 (scheduled time was 2:45). They clearly state (during on line scheduling tool and in follow-up reminder email) they only wait 15 minutes for the house to be opened, so I'm glad I didn't have to find out what would have happened if I wouldn't have been home. (No text, call, or email to let me know they were coming 30 minutes early). The cleaning was ok, but several things were missed- didn't dust bottom of nightstand table, hairs left on bathtub ledge, stainless dishwasher and oven were streaky, and hair/dust left under side table and behind couch. (Couch is moved away from wall and dust can be seen behind it. This area is easily accessible with a broom/ swiffer). Also, deal is for 2 hours of cleaning and they left saying they were \"done\" in less than 1.5 hours. (I did not ask them/press them to stay as I was just trying to use up the deal and get some value out of it). Certainly they could have taken more time on other parts of the house as things were missed, wiped out window sills, windexed windows, etc. since they were only here about 1 hour 20 minutes. Overall, I would not recommend this company and do not plan to use them in the future."^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2013-03-28T00:00:00"^^ .