"Propoksikarbazonas (A) (propoksikarbazonas, jo druskos ir 2-hidroksipropoksikarbazonas, i\u0161reik\u0161ta kaip propoksikarbazonas)"@lt . "\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0437\u043E\u043D (A) (\u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0437\u043E\u043D, \u043D\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0438 2-\u0445\u0438\u0434\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0437\u043E\u043D, \u0438\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0435\u043D\u0438 \u043A\u0430\u0442\u043E \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0437\u043E\u043D)"@bg . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@el . "Propoksykarbazon (A) (propoksykarbazon, jego sole oraz 2-hydroksypropoksykarbazon wyra\u017Cony jako propoksykarbazon)"@pl . "Propoks\u00FCkarbasoon (A) (propoks\u00FCkarbasoon, selle soolad ja 2-h\u00FCdroks\u00FCpropoks\u00FCkarbasoon, v\u00E4ljendatud propoks\u00FCkarbasoonina)"@et . "Propoksikarbazons (A) (propoksikarbazons, t\u0101 s\u0101\u013Ci un 2-hidroksipropoksikarbazons izteikts k\u0101 propoksikarbazons)"@lv . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@nl . "Propoxycarbazon (A) (propoxycarbazon, zouten daarvan en 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazon, uitgedrukt als propoxycarbazon)"@de . "Propoxycarbazone (A) (propoxycarbazone, ses sels et 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone exprim\u00E9s en propoxycarbazone)"@fr . "Propoxicarbazona (A) (propoxicarbazona, sus sales y 2-hidroxi-propoxicarbazona expresada en forma de propoxicarbazona)"@es . "Propoksikarbazon (A) (propoksikarbazon, njegove soli i 2-hidroksipropoksikarbazon izra\u017Een kao propoksikarbazon)"@hr . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@de . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@pt . "Propoksikarbazon (A) (propoksikarbazon, njegove soli in 2-hidroksi-propoksikarbazon, izra\u017Eeni kot propoksikarbazon)"@sl . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@lt . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@en . "Propoxicarbazona (A) (propoxicarbazona, seus sais e 2-hidroxi-propoxicarbazona, expressos em propoxicarbazona)"@pt . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@bg . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@sl . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@pl . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@it . "Propoxikarbazon (A) (propoxikarbazon, dess salter och 2-hydroxipropoxikarbazon, uttryckt som propoxikarbazon)"@sv . "(A) The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@fr . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@hu . "Propoxycarbazone (\u0391) (propoxycarbazone, \u03C4\u03B1 \u03AC\u03BB\u03B1\u03C4\u03AC \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5 \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazone \u03B5\u03BA\u03C6\u03C1\u03B1\u03B6\u03CC\u03BC\u03B5\u03BD\u03BF \u03C9\u03C2 propoxycarbazone)"@el . "Propoxicarbazon (A) (propoxicarbazon, s\u0103rurile sale \u0219i 2-hidroxipropoxicarbazon, exprimate ca propoxicarbazon)"@ro . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@hr . "The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@fi . "Propoxi-karbazon (A) (propoxi-karbazon, s\u00F3i \u00E9s 2-hidroxi-propoxi-karbazon propoxi-karbazonk\u00E9nt kifejezve)"@hu . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@es . "Propoxycarbazone (A) (propoxycarbazone, i suoi sali e 2-idrossipropoxycarbazone, espressi in propoxycarbazone)"@it . "Propossikarba\u017Con (A) (propossikarba\u017Con, l-imlu\u0127a tieg\u0127u u 2-idrossipropossikarba\u017Con espressi b\u0127ala propossikarba\u017Con)"@mt . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@sk . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@sv . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@et . "propoxykarbaz\u00F3n (A) (propoxykarbaz\u00F3n, jeho soli a 2-hydroxypropoxykarbaz\u00F3n vyjadren\u00E9 ako propoxykarbaz\u00F3n)"@sk . "Propoksikarbatsoni (A) (propoksikarbatsoni, sen suolat ja 2-hydroksipropoksikarbatsoni ilmaistuna propoksikarbatsonina)"@fi . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@ro . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@da . "S019100" . . "Propoxycarbazone (A) (propoxycarbazone, its salts and 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazone expressed as propoxycarbazone)"@en . "Propoxycarbazon (propoxycarbazon, salte heraf og 2-hydroxypropoxy-propoxycarbazon, beregnet som propoxycarbazon)"@da . . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@mt . "Propoxycarbazon (A) (Propoxycarbazon, seine Salze und 2-Hydroxypropoxycarbazon, ausgedr\u00FCckt als Propoxycarbazon)"@nl . . "Propoxykarbazon (A) (propoxykarbazon, jeho soli a 2-hydroxypropoxykarbazon, vyj\u00E1d\u0159eno jako propoxykarbazon)"@cs . . . "(A)= The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@lv . "(A)=The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for 2-hydroxy-propoxycarbazone as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 26 June 2015, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it."@cs .