. "2017-12-22T12:54:22Z"^^ . "2017-12-22T12:43:29Z"^^ . "Bir ah\u015Fab\u0131n \u015Fekli, ah\u015Fab\u0131n renk farkl\u0131l\u0131klar\u0131n\u0131n neden oldu\u011Fu desene ve ayn\u0131 zamanda farkl\u0131 tane t\u00FCrlerinin olu\u015Fturdu\u011Fu desene i\u015Faret eder. Tane, ah\u015Fab\u0131n liflerinin hangi y\u00F6nde ilerledi\u011Fini belirtir. Tah\u0131l \u00E7e\u015Fitleri aras\u0131nda d\u00FCz, dalgal\u0131, d\u00FCzensiz, spiral, k\u0131v\u0131rc\u0131k, i\u00E7 i\u00E7e ge\u00E7mi\u015F ve ku\u015Fbak\u0131\u015F\u0131 say\u0131labilir. Bu ah\u015Fap \u00F6zellikleri birbiriyle ili\u015Fkilidir ve terimler birlikte s\u0131kl\u0131kla kullan\u0131l\u0131r."@tr . "In wood, figure refers to the appearance of wood, as seen on a longitudinal surface (side-grain): a \"figured wood\" is not plain.\n\nThe figure of a particular piece of wood is, in part, due to its grain and, in part, due to the cut, or to innate properties of the wood. A few of the tropical hardwoods, like the rosewoods, may have a unique figure.\n\nTypes of figure include \"bear scratches,\" bird's eye, blister, burl, curl, ribbon curl, dimple, fiddleback, flame, wide flame, \"ghost\", pin stripe, quilted, spalted and tiger stripe."@en .