Food ****1/2
Service ****1/2
Ambiance ***
This is a takeout pizza joint serving deep dish pizza. (Hence the 3* on ambiance)
First the pizza is incredible and I personally enjoy it. Ive had the privilege of Chicago and Detroit (god forbid I put them in the same sentence...) And this stacks up. Rather than packing the pizza with 2" dough, they put toppings and fillings in as a Chicago style slide should have.
Will you be full? Yes.
Will you need a nap? Maybe.
Will you have space for dessert? Probably not, if you finish the slice.
Because I travel a lot, I rarely get to go by and grab a slice but somehow they remember how I like it (cold and frosty, just like my girlfriends.)
Go try a slice. Don't expect pizza pizza (you savage) or other medicore American style spots.