My usual A/C guy was unavailable, and so I called One-Hour for some routine maintenance that usually runs me $50 for cleaning the coils and blower wheel. One-Hour quoted me $48 over the phone for an inspection and tuneup. When the tech came by, he inspected the machine (only 7 years old) and told me it needed the capacitor replaced (even though it was running within specs) and also told me the coils and blower wheel needed cleaning. The coils would cost $193 to clean, the blower wheel would cost ANOTHER $193, and the capacitor and various other unnecessary parts would cost hundreds more. THE TOTAL QUOTE WAS FOR $1417!! I told him to go away. I had to pay the $48, and zero work had been performed. I finally reached my usual tech, and he explained that One-Hour techs work on commission, and that they are the highest priced company in town.