I lived in Wesley Village for about a year. It's a nice looking complex, but can be pretty loud in the pool area in the summer and they don't really seem to have security with that or any part of the complex (main gate is always open and apparently everyone knows the main code; no security cameras in parking lots). Also, as nice as the apartments look inside, be mindful of storage. I was in a 2br 2ba apartment and there was not much space at all. While the desk area is nice in the apartment, it's kind of a waste of space they could have used for an extra (needed) closet. However, my biggest issue with this complex is the management.
I was subletting my lease to someone. There was consistently horrible communication throughout the process where the person moving in would get different information about the process than me, and vice versa. The people in the office were quick to blame the miscommunication on my replacement and I, yet they were the ones giving out different information and not communicating effectively.
After I thought everything was all set and moved out of the complex, I found out that month's rent for my old roommate and my replacement was taken out of MY bank account. $1400 is not something that is easliy mistaken, but the office sure made it seem that way. I spoke with the Assistant Property Manager who was nice, but did not seem to care too much that my money was missing and didn't work with any sense of urgency. The Property Manager barely even spoke to me. If it was a $20 issue then maybe I would understand that, but $1400 should be taken much more seriously. Long story short, after an entire day of lack of communication and no answers, they blamed my old roommate for using my account and said it would no longer happen. I told them I wanted to speak to their mysterious corporate person, "Andrew," but low and behold he never called me either. After that was settled, I figured it would never happen again so why make a big deal of it.
It happened again the next month. I have a hospitality background so I am generally pretty nice over the phone and not quick to blame, but apparently they didn't care that someone was down $1400 as long as they were up so I had to speak up a bit. I spoke to the girl at the front desk and she didn't have many answers. I was finally put through to the property manager and she wasn't very friendly. Said she understood my frustration like everyone in customer service is supposed to do, but after taking my information and saying she would call me right back, she did not. I also had to send them proof of the money being taken out of my account and so I sent screenshots via email with the subject line saying to please call me back with confirmation of the email (I don't love sending my bank information to a stranger). I had to call back an hour later to have the girl on the phone tell me that they got it instead of calling me like I had asked.
Their corporate person Andrew seems to be a mystery again. I asked to speak to him and through stumbling and lying about not having his number (even though he was their corporate person and they were on the phone with him?), I got through to the property manager and asked for her boss's number. She spent about 5 minutes with me back and forth saying that her boss didn't know anything going on so why would I want to call her--trying to get out of me talking to the person above her. She did finally give me her number, but emailed me not a minute after I got off the phone from asking about her boss saying that she just called her and told her everything and said not to worry about it. Maybe she got a bit nervous and realized her boss should know that someone was upset about the complex taking $1400 from her again. She also said this had never happened before and I had to keep reminding her that the same thing happened to me one month ago...
So to sum up a long day: they tried to pin the blame on me for not taking my card off of another person's account (because that should TOTALLY be on me...), blamed my roommate saying that she must have put my bank account information in and used it (I've known her for years and she would never do that. Never would have given her my information anyways), told me I couldn't call Andrew and said he would call me back but has YET to call me back (this happened last Wednesday), Missy said her boss, Michelle, would call me and she did not, and no one has given me any confirmation whatsoever that my card is no longer attached to a separate person so I don't have to worry about this again.
Of course I stopped payment through my bank as soon as I saw the charge, but the lack of communication at this complex and the people running the place is outrageous. I've heard the same from other residents as well. If you're looking for a professional business and place to live, I wouldn't go here. Sketchy situation all around.