I love, love, LOVE this particular farmer's market, but I have had some less than desirable luck with the vendors here. I absolutely refuse to give any vendors bad names unless their product is bad, so I will not mention any names here. My biggest beef is that there are vendors on their phones gabbing or texting away while potential buyers briefly stop to look, and (at least for me) are put off by the gabbing or texting, and continue to walk on by. Another issue I have noticed is that if I am approaching a vendors area, wouldn't I expect a vendor to sort of take initiative and talk about their product, possibly convincing me to try a sample or make a sale? Unfortunately, I had two vendors do both of these things to me this morning. I approached one vendor, and reviewed their menu, and sort of waited for them to start talking, even looked at them a couple times. Nothing. Crickets chirped. Then, a couple approached the same vendor, and proceeded to carry on a conversation about their product. I attempted to ask a question to one vendor, they answered they didn't know (how do you not know if your own product has nuts in it or not??) and went back to talking to the other customers. At that point, I had had enough and walked out of the farmer's market altogether.
Please know this is not the norm with most of the vendors there. Most of them know their product, and will talk to you. I believe though that these two just had their "ideal customers" to which they wanted to sell to, which is unfortunate.
Those two will not keep me from going to this farmer's market, just from buying their product.