The last time that I went here, which was less than a year ago, I got my coffee as I usually do visiting here and settled into a chair to begin studying. The WiFi was working for about half an hour before it completely crashed. I asked an employee about the issue and she gave me an indefinite answer as to when it would be back up and running. For a few minutes I stuck around and then left because nothing was being done to resolve the issue. I was really wanting to return for the yummy coffee and relaxed atmosphere but was afraid that the network would still be unreliable. Today I returned for the first time since and the same thing happened again. Only this time the WiFi didn't work to begin with. I asked the barista working if there was another network that I could connect with to which she responded that I technically could but she did not have the password. She then made a face that basically said "tough luck" across the counter and then left the register to chat with her coworker. Thanks for nothing...