One star because I can't give less.
I recently bought an engagement ring here. My salesbitch was Marilyn.
I had an idea of the style ring I wanted, also had a strict budget in mind. After explaining to Marilyn what my stipulations were, she immediately handed me a ring about $2500.00 over what I could afford. "Get the fuck out ouf here", I thought.... "get me something else please"- She pulled out some comparable choices.. minus the Neil Lane name brand, and one of them caught my eye. "I really like this one!" I said to her..
"Great! Should we sign paperwork, and take it off the shelf?" Errr!! I hate pushy sales people. I told her to hold on. This was a big chunk of change for me, and I needed a moment to collect my thoughts. I asked her to explain to me exactly what I was buying.. though I knew what I was buying.. I wanted to detour her pushiness a little for a sec to think about my decision. We went back and forth for a bit about payment options and interest. She explained that since my purchase was over 5k.. I was eligible for an 18 month 0% interest payment. This was exactly what I needed. I then asked her about trading in another ring I had bought a couple years back for the wrong person (i never gave it to her). Marilyn told me she was able to give me full trade in for it! This was now looking like a sweet deal for me.. Well looks can be deceiving. Marilyn failed to mention that the trade in took money right off the end of my purchase.. forcing me under that 5k.. and out of that 18 month no interest range. As I left though, she was still saying "that 18 month no interest will be nice".. Real deceptive.
I called to set up a time for me to come in an pay my 20% down which is what I was told would qualify me for that 18 month gig. The lady on the phone said that I wasn't able to receive that deal because my purchase was under 5k.. She told me I would have one year no interest.. then 6 months stupid crazy interest. I was pissed. I asked for Marilyn. Marilyn got on the phone and said she would try and pull some strings with corporate to get me what i needed. She said she would try and get my transaction to show the trade in after I had made the purchase, and that she would call me right back.
An hour later she called and said corporate wouldn't go for it.. and that I was pretty much screwed.
Fuck Jared. Don't go there, and please tell all your friends. I got bamboozled. I was very careful too. Asked a ton of questions.. the whole bit, and I still got fucked. I am thinking about sitting out front in the heat with a sign reading,
"Ask me why you shouldn't make your big purchase here" this Saturday.. Maybe try and get 3 on my side or something-