We heard Houston's became Hillstone so as very loyal customers to Houston's (going 2+ times per month) for years, we were excited to try Hillstone on Camelback. What a disappointment!
The service was just awful, very cold and impersonal; one person in our group said "hoity toity," and the food was more expensive and not as quality compared to Houston's menu. Everything about Hillstone is the opposite of Houston's. Where the seating and atmosphere at Houston's was warm and inviting, at Hillstone it is cold and impersonal.
Yes, obviously much money was spent on Hillstone but in our opinion, to its disadvantage because of its slight ostentatious presentation. It is pretty but something about it felt off.
We tried Hillstone two times in case the first time was a fluke but our experience was the same as the first. Bummer for them because at our favorite restaurants we always tip 30-45% of our bill.
In their defense two things:
1) Our experience was from the first year it opened which I noticed there are so many similar reviews to mine from that time, so maybe they made some adjustments and,
2) Maybe they are not trying to be like Houston's which is fine for them but not for us. We miss Houston's and wanted a version of it. Hillstone is not it. So we will keep searching.