The BF and I can have fun anywhere; the only fun at the 40/40 club, was making fun of this place.
This was the sorriest excuse of a club I've ever been to.
Let me give you a snapshot:
We walk in after a terrific night of wining ( as in wine, not winning), dining, and seeing a show, enter an empty 40/40.
5 people immediately tackle us, each falling over themselves to seat us.
Boy, do we feel special, until they try to fleece us.
2 of the 5 ; the most aggressive of the children ( average age was 22) seat us in the "VIP AREA", which is just glorified booths instead of the stadium seating; you see this is an upscale sports club. So the 2 young'ins sit down next to us, and try to get $100 out of us.
I play dumb to their constant hinting -- yes, for 10 minutes they hinted that it costs $100 for the privilege of sitting in the back.
Well kids, I'm in REAL sales, unless you come out and ask, you ain't going to get,....not that I would give them 2 cents to sit anywhere.
They also had the nerve to sell us crap --$30 shirts with 40/40 on it.
Now come on -- why in the world would I buy anything....there wasn't a soul there for a reason. Yes, on a Thursday Night, from about 11pm -1am, only a handful of people wandered in......then wandered back out.
Sad, very sad.
The kids, realized we weren't biting on their commissioned junk, so they disappeared.
Youth is So wasted on the Young --
Guys, we do tip. You know, the old school way of making a buck in the service industry. We old folk drink really expensive drinks, eat food, and yes, tip on the amount we spend.
So, where did they go???
About 10 minutes later, they're back and take out order -- I wonder if they go to the bathroom together.
The wine and beer were way overpriced.
The food sucked !!!
I hate this place....too bad it's in one of my favorite hotels