Welp, get ready to regret your choice a few hours later when you have a stomach ache.
This place is definitely in the category of "fast food pizza." Nothing more and anything less is probably literally inedible.
I used to work at a pizza joint that made pies that tasted exactly like these; thinking they're one of many who get their ingredients from a certain large distributor. That said, the cheese is tasteless (if you make the mistake of ordering here, take some off and taste it- definitely not worth the calorie investment!), the toppings are low quality (ground meat posing as gyro meat? Tiny specks of goat cheese passing as a fully-topped pizza?), and the pizza is greasy to boot.
I don't care if you're too poor to order elsewhere, go to the store and buy ingredients to make a pizza at home before going this route. Unless you're piss drunk or a masochist, you'll thank me.
At least the staff is nice, I guess.