Awww Fat Tuesday is like a tradition for every legal first time vegas visitor. This time it was my little sister and her friend. I have a first-time system for vegas get there and have a chill first day/night then have the rager of a night. So the best first time place is Fat Tuesday cause you can comeback and refill it the next day.
So this is not my go to FT but I have yet to be disapointed in any of them. So intake my sister and her friend and I offer to buy their first drink. Being the lushes they are they go big and demand the extra shots. I laugh in my head and say this will be the last thing you remember. Staff laughed at what I said and poured away. Great service but not as talkative as the other FT. Well like I said they drank it and forgot the night. So in other words FT delivered again thank you.