Someone please explain to me how nearly all the pho restaurants in Ohio ended up in Columbus. WTF?
At least Cleveland has Superior, which is probably the best spot in the greater Cleveland/Akron area for a displaced Seattlite or West Coaster to get his or her pho fix.
Superior has all the requisite elements of a good ol' Sea-town International District pho haunt: a strange location, sullen Asian teenager servers, a dose of griminess, and a bustling pace fueled by a non-ending stream of hungry phonatics.
You won't find much to fault in the pho: the broth, the driving force in any pho restaurant, is rich, meaty, and sweetened appropriately with just the right touch of five spice, and the pho tai meat is cut thin and left rare enough so that it finishes cooking in your bowl. Noodles are never overcooked, and veggies are always crisp and fresh.
The large pho tai is an eight dollar hangover-be-gone on a Sunday afternoon, time-tested and fool-proof.
I do have to pick on Superior Pho for a moment, but only because I love them. It is inexcusable for a place of their caliber to not supply pho ramekins at the table for your sauces. Instead you are forced to ask a sultry server (sometimes twice) for a makeshift version, which as times ends up being a plastic to-go ramekin, and other times is a clumsy soup cup. Wholly unsatisfying to those of us who prefer not to squirt sauce into the soup, and instead follow the Vietnamese way of dipping the meat in a separate sauce vessel.