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Tim and Nicky Homer are, in my estimation, wizards. They are, two rare pearls in a sea of computer servicers that is filled with toxic time wasters, predatory technicians, and a nothing resembling biological life save the most basic single-celled organisms. My drive failed to read and my backup hadn't been syncing for months, something I only noticed after failing to retrieve my documents. I nearly vomited. After spending that Saturday evening in tears, cold sweats and contemplating the quickest way to exit this mortal coil, I called Best Buy. Their Geek Squad said it would be, if possible at all, expensive (thousands), not local (sent to Tennessee) and lengthy (two weeks minimum). None of this would work for me. I then searched for local providers and on the first page hit the lovely business that is Desert Data Recovery. I called at about 1030 on a Sat night expecting a response maybe on Sunday, but likely on Monday. Within 30 minutes, Nicky had texted me back and I went to bed knowing that they work Sundays and would be at their office. They only asked that I confirm the time. At 10 AM on Sunday, I met these two lovely people. They took time with me to explain the likely problems, the basics of drive functioning and presented me with a general sense that these people know exactly what they are doing. I left my drive with them around 1030, breathed easy on the drive home because of how lovely and confident and expert these people are and, within two hours, Nicky had emailed me with a detailed diagnosis, in-depth course of action and price - which came with a "no data no fee" guaranteed. If they could find and retrieve the data, $395. If not, nothing. I think this is something you simply will not find at the big box stores. She told me they'd email me the next day with either a finished product or an update if they needed more time. My Sunday was turned from blackness and muck into light and life and my vital work was on its way back to me. I breathed easier than I had in the last 18 hours. The next day, Monday, I called to check in on the process and things still looked good, but being honest brokers, Nicky said they could see that there would be some bad sectors and they would be irretrievable. I really didn't worry as much as I could have as these people seem so incredibly capable. I left myself in their hands. As of this writing, it is 344 in the afternoon on the next day, Tuesday, and I just received about an hour ago an email from Nicky with all the available files and a short list of bad ones. I opened the secure link she sent me and I was nearly in tears that it seems more than 99.999 percent of my files have now returned. They are a mix of essential business and deeply important personal files along with a novel draft. DDR has just performed the perfect impression of a deity. They are now loading my data onto a backup drive, and will also hold onto the data in a dedicated Dropbox folder in case on the way home I crash and the only thing damaged is the updated drive. Tim and Nicky think of everything. There is a reason DDR has laudatory reviews. They are a local business owned by personable experts that provides exceptionally detailed, rapid service -- this treble perfection can never be equalled by corporate behemoths. AND they guarantee their work to a degree that a big company would never do - with a 'no data no fee' offer. I'm happily stunned and will never, really, NEVER, go to anyone else for data tech service no matter whether I stay in Phoenix or move to the island of Guernsey. I'd more happily entrust Nicky and Tim with my problem drives by sending them through the mail than I ever would anyone else. You've got a customer for life here.