From my experience, each club has a certain "culture" about it. If this is true, this club's culture involves making you wait in line for an excessive amount of time to generate hype, shoving and budging people to get in (really the only way to get in), and being cramped up too tightly to move while people blow their cig smoke in your face. Not to mention the putrid odor of sweat and non-deodorized armpits falling in waves from the cramped guests around you. I came here at around 12:30. My friend really wanted to try it so we waited 45 minutes outside, even though the music from outside sounded like absolute shit (beat too slow to dance to). We finally got in after being shoved, pushed, cursed at, and having watched dozens of people budging in front of us because they were friends with security. When we asked someone why they wouldn't wait in line like the rest of us, we got pushed and basically told to "fuck off." When we finally got in, the music was horrendous (as I suspected), the coat check was full ("just dance with your coats on," advised the coat check woman), and the entrance fee was still $15. Dancing with my coat on in a club filled with a bunch of budging, pretentious, and straight up smelly-as-fuck assholes to lifeless music was just not going to happen. We noped the fuck out, went to Nesta down the street, got in immediately, and had way more fun there. This club is where club music goes to die. Trust me. Go elsewhere.