Holy. Shit. Dudez.
REAL ESCAPE IS FRIKKIN AWEESSSOOMMMEEE. This was beyond fun even though I felt like such a huge fail (I missed 2 clues! Someone else found them later) and we were THIS CLOSE to breaking out (we only had like 3 more steps to solve!) But alas, we ran out of time and lost like big losers.
Here's how it works. You show up 15 minutes before your game is supposed to start. A super cute punky girl makes you sign waivers and outlines the rules of the game (jist of the rules is common sense - don't run into walls, don't break shit, don't stick things into electrical sockets.) She gives the team a few general pointers, tells us stories of the crazy drunk people who have tried playing the game and just ended up smashing vases, and then off we go down the hallway and are loaded into the room. And then BAM, the game starts (it's announced over a speaker). You get countdown announcements every so often letting you know how much time has elapsed.
Having a mathematical mind might help with some clues, but the clues are so varied and interesting that simply being quick on your feet, creative, and paying close attention to itty bitty details are 3 of the most important traits to bring into this game. Thinking outside the box also really helps too.
And then the OMINOUS TEN MINUTES LEFT announcement is made and our group scrambles! Twas intense!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yea, we didn't break out :'( But cute Punky girl comes back into the room and helps us finish the game, so by the end of it, you know how to break out. You unlock the door and are led back out for a debriefing. The debriefing includes punky chick explaining the clues we didn't finish or missed, talking about ideas for upcoming Real Escape volumes (EVIL DEAD REAL ESCAPE WHAT?!?!!?!!?) and also tries to recruit people to actually WORK for Real Escape (which is lolz), but if you love gaming, puzzles and are generally a crafty little ferret, you might as well apply to work there and get paid 20 bucks an hour to work for Real Escape.
But Yea, Real Escape is addicting! If you don't break out of the room, you're just like GOD DAMMIT IT, I MUST BEAT YOU, I MUST BEST YOU REAL ESCAPE GAME. Or, even if you do beat the game you're just like HAHA IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT REAL ESCAPE, YOUR CLUES AND TRICKERY ARE NO MATCH FOR ME, I CAN TAKE YOU, DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?