Do not go to DEANS auto repair unless you want to waste half your day and receive a bill you pay to get your car back that is a poor opinion of what needs to be repaired. What a joke this place has the b**** to charge $135 to open the hood for a few minutes and sit on the car for an hour and call you back to say you need to clean out your gas lines, and that will be $445. After you pay the 135 for diagnosing nothing, we will subtract that from the $445, what a deal. I went there to fix the problem and I was specific at what was wrong, so it was a shock to find out they did nothing. They could have been honest and said it will cost you $135 for us to just look at it and then you can decide if you want to gamble with us actually doing any work. I believe they are crooks. Never will I go to Deans auto joke.