I've always been a fan of clubs that have multiple rooms- there is always something for everyone and you can explore if you get bored. A perfect example of why this works well is in the case me and my best friend. We may be BFF but he likes to dance to techno while I like to lounge to anything but.
The 4 rooms at E4 are each well done and definitely have different feels. I was able to get the layout of the club down easily (blue room= techno, do not go that way). We started out on the patio area (air), then moved up to the fire room and ended up in the front lounge (earth) for the end of the night. I never felt as if it was too crowded, which is always always a good thing in my book, and the music was pretty decent. (I've heard Billie Jean mixed with a lot of different songs but this was the first time I had ever heard it mixed with Journey, Don't Stop Believing. It definitely provided a "hey, is...is that Journey? Ohmigod, it is!" moment.)
It wouldn't be a place that I would go to regularly but I know my bff is coming to visit next month and I wanted to check it out before he got here.