You know that feeling you get when you are about to move into your new place and there are what seems like a million boxes everywhere? That overwhelming feeling of DREAD? That feeling of "I did not get rid of enough stuff!!" Or, "Where is everything going to go?!" Those nagging anxiety type questions that keep you up at night before you move in?
FEAR NO MORE. May I present you the UNpackers, otherwise known as:
The UNPackers will come into your life and make it NORMAL again. They will unpack your stuff (remember what George Carlin calls your stuff) and put it away and magically these organizer things will show up and all of a sudden your new place is livable and organized and functional and safe.
My one piece of advice after I say HIRE THE UNPACKERS, STAT, is to let them do their thing. They are the professionals, so without sounding too trite, "leave it to the professionals."
Happy unpacking!