First time in Canada for business trip...experience goes something like this.
...Agent by Air canada check-in area...
Me. "I've never flown your airline, which (of the 4 lines) do I go to check my bag. I have an e-boarding pass and a bag to check"
Agent...use kiosk to get bag tag, then line 2. I go to kiosk get error message that basically says "bring this print out to any agent..."
Me..wait in line 2.....Agent in line 2..."oh you don't have bag tag, go to line 3."
Me..."No, I have this piece of paper that says to see you." Agent says... "go to line 3 over there. Yes, that really long slow moving line." (Yes, she said that for WORD FOR WORD)
I go to this long line and immediately woman in front of me says "this line hasn't moved in 15minutes". (When Canadians get mad, you know it's bad)
All this while the 2 agents supporting this line move at a snails speed, 4 others near these 2 agents do nothing but laugh and I guess discuss last nights riveting curling match.
Luckily my co-worker gets the kiosk to work, I guess because he knew something that none of the countless agents standing around knew?????
Never fly this airline, ever.
Best of all NOBODY CHECKED OUR ID ONCE. Any where in the airport. Not bag check, not security line, the gate. It was a domestic flight, but seriously? My buddy shoved his ID in the agents hand at that gate and she looked at him like he just handed her a note in sand-script. Just a quick glance and gave it back.
Never felt safer.