Cafe Pi is not your "generic coffee shop" expecting plastic wrapped paninis and cheap 24 Gallon drip coffee in Starbucks branded Grande sized corporate drive thru cups. It is a CAFE, it local with French servers in an area called the Plateau de Montreal. If the other reviewers expected the run of the mill coffee experience, which frankly you can get at any place in nowheresville North America, then this isn't your cup of non-fat latte with extra foam. You should be careful to judge a place after being there for only 20 mins, it is alive and has character and even though they were only reviewing, like a good wine, it takes more than just a sip to really appreciate it, or maybe just keep going to your local wifi coffee shop so you can enjoy the same experience, everytime, everyday.
Cafe Pi is great, it local, it is French, and Montreal is better for it.